Moraine Valley Community College Case Study

Case Studies

利用Park Place Technologies的合同灵活性来适应冰碛谷社区学院的预算需求

冰碛谷社区学院(MVCC)位于芝加哥西南郊区的帕洛斯山, Illinois. Founded in 1967, the school enrolls more than 34,每年有1000名学生十大赌博正规老平台于26个社区,是该州最大的社区学院之一.

Susan G. 网络营运、电脑十大赌博正规老平台及电讯处处长是谁. She oversees all wired and wireless networks, virtual server environments, storage, telecom, and ERP infrastructure. 这些职责还包括电子邮件和其他关键应用程序.

Moraine Valley Community College’s Challenges

For Ms. G.因此,找到一个硬件支持解决方案以适应不断缩减的预算是很有必要的. MVCC维护两个独立的存储区域网络(SAN)环境,支持学院的ERP系统和其他应用程序. Although Ms. G had a team member who could support IBM AIX, finding a staff member to support hardware was a challenge.

“学院目前面临的最大挑战是支持两个独立的环境. 很难找到合适的人才来支持AIX和IBM SAN环境. 这方面的人才很难与美国公司提供的薪水竞争. As a result, 我们似乎总是缺少人手来支持校园里最关键的应用程序,” Ms. G said.

MVCC面临挑战的另一个因素是价格合理的十大赌博正规老平台水平协议. Ms. G. said, “Our ideal hardware maintenance solution is 24 x 7 x 4 hour response time. 当直接与原始设备制造商打交道时,这可能是非常昂贵的.”

由于需要支持他们的SAN环境,而且预算有限,因此. G. began researching other support options. MVCC的一名前雇员曾与第三方维修提供商有过合作经验,并被介绍给Park Place Technologies.

Choosing Park Place Technologies

从未为其数据中心硬件使用任何第三方维护提供商, MVCC调查了几家第三方维修商,并根据学院的要求收集了其他有竞争力的报价. Flexibility on budget was not an option. When MVCC made the switch to Park Place Technologies, 最初的决定主要是基于价格和灵活性.

The Park Place solution was convenient. 公园广场与MVCC一起工作,以确定我们覆盖的各种设备的正确覆盖范围. 他们给出了学院能接受的价格点和SLA, so we chose them over the other vendors,” Ms. G said. “The Park Place solution was convenient. 公园广场与MVCC一起工作,以确定我们所覆盖的各种设备的正确覆盖范围. 他们给出了学院能接受的价格点和SLA, so we chose them over the other vendors.

Susan G.
Director of Network Operations

Case Study Key Points

Retains control of equipment lifecycle

Saved 70% on maintenance costs compared to the OEM

Provided an alternative for end of service life equipment

Low total cost of ownership

The Park Place Difference

自从他们与公园广场科技公司合作成为第三方维修供应商以来, Ms. G. 和她的员工对他们的IBM存储设备支持感到满意. MVCC继续使用Park Place Technologies作为其硬件维护和支持提供商的一些重要考虑因素包括:

Obtaining Administrative Ease

选择Park Place Technologies的MVCC的主要因素之一是它为客户提供了无限的灵活性. “Park Place愿意做我们认为需要做的任何事情——无论是对部分环境的特定覆盖,还是对存储和我们支持的一些物理十大赌博正规老平台器的不同覆盖. It was total flexibility,” Ms. G. said.

Flexibility also extended into their contracts. 通过Park Place Technologies, MVCC可以随时添加或删除设备. “没有将我们锁定在长期合同中,使我们能够在未来的存储设备决策中感到舒适. That was huge!” Ms. G. added.

Receiving Exceptional Support

For MVCC, receiving support was quick and painless. 尽管对IBM存储环境的支持电话很少,但Ms. G.的团队成员证明了这样一个事实,即Park Place的响应很快,现场工程师能够为MVCC IT团队提供与IBM存储设备有关的任何问题的适当解决方案和文档.

Saving 70% on Maintenance Costs

与标准的OEM维护相比,Moraine Valley County Community College节省了约70%的维护和支持成本. 这一显著的成本节约让她对预算问题感到放心. G. and the IT team at MVCC.

The Future with Park Place Technologies

Ms. G和她的团队希望继续并扩大与Park Place Technologies的合作关系.

公园广场对学院的需求反应迅速. 他们积极主动地提供支持,并遵守他们的SLA. Fortunately, we have not seen a lot of problems with our IBM hardware, 但我们知道,我们可以指望公园广场迅速响应我们的需求,” Ms. G. said. “公园广场对学院的需求非常敏感. 他们积极主动地提供支持,并遵守他们的SLA. Fortunately, we have not seen a lot of problems with our IBM hardware, 但我们知道,我们可以指望公园广场迅速响应我们的需求.

Susan G.
Director of Network Operations

About Park Place Technologies

Park Place Technologies是您的全球数据中心和网络优化公司. Powered by the world’s largest on-the-ground engineering team, a robust group of advanced engineers and our fully staffed, 24x7x365 Enterprise Operations Center, 我们提供强大的IT解决方案组合,以优化网络和数据中心的正常运行时间和性能. Our services include third-party data center hardware maintenancedata center professional servicesinfrastructure managed servicesnetwork performance monitoring and IT hardware sales. Through our unique and fully integrated DMSO (Discover, Monitor, Support, Optimize) approach, 客户享受简化的基础设施监控和管理, cost efficiencies, less chaos, 更快的平均解决时间——最终提供了更大的思考自由. Park Place的行业领先和屡获殊荣的十大赌博正规老平台包括Park Place Hardware Maintenance™, Park Place Professional Services™, ParkView Managed Services™, Entuity Software™ and Curvature Hardware sales.

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